Kitaab Allah

Kitaab Allah

Which woman was not the wife of The Prophet(sallahu alayhee wa salam)?

Accompanying the righteous (from the Salaf)

One of them said; accompanying the righteous people gives rise to the righteousness in the heart.
Ahmad ibn Harb (raheemullah) said; “There is nothing more beneficial to a Muslim’s heart than to mix with the righteous and to watch their actions, while nothing is more harmful to the heart than mixing with the sinners and watching their actions.

A Ramadan Question

Question: Are there any supporting hadith for breaking the fast with dates or water? If not, then a person who breaks their fast with dates will not receive a greater reward than the one who uses other than dates. Afeeduna barakAllaahu feekum.
Answer: The hadith that is mentioned about breaking the fast with dates or water is the hadith of ‘Aishah. She said thatthe Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم used to break fast with rutab – fresh dates and if he didn’t find rutabaat then he broke his fast on tamaraat which is ripe dates and if he didn’t find rutab or tamr then he took some water and then went for prayer.[19] And there is a hadith where the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم mentioned about dates that “it is the best food that a person eats”[20] and he صلى الله عليه وسلم said about Suhoor (morning meal before fasting):
نعم سحور المؤمن التمر“The best sahoor for the believer is date”.

Shaykh Muhammad al-Maaliki حفظه الله

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Ramadhan Muslims

Abdul Azeez bin Baz (may Allah rest him in paradise)1420

Question: There is a saying which goes” The people who only know Allah in Ramadan will not be successful.” Is this a hadeeth?

Answer: This is a saying from some of the pious predecessors about people who worship Allah attentively in Ramadan. And when Ramadan finishes they stop. Therefore he said,” How miserable is the person who only knows Allah during Ramadan.” This statement is correct for the person that abandons obligations (outside of Ramadan). This saying doesn’t refer to the person who doesn’t continue to practice the sunnan acts outside of Ramadan. This is a correct statement. The intended meaning here refers to people who practice Allah’s rights temporarily. They pray in Ramadan and in the other eleven months of the year they don’t. This kind of person is pitiful; as he disbelieves in Allah with these kinds of actions. To willfully abandon the prayer is disbelief. We ask Allah for pardon.Now on the other hand to stop practicing some of the recommended deeds outside of Ramadan is harmless. This is because during Ramadan people strive with their upmost ability to perform various sunnan acts of worship along with voluntary contributions and so forth. Hence if he falls short in doing these acts after Ramadan we don’t consider him a wretched person.